
Dewan Rakyat Approves Energy Efficiency And Conservation Bill With Amendment

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 (Bernama) -- The Dewan Rakyat today passed the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill 2023, in consideration of an amendment made by the Dewan Negara under Standing Order 73 (1).

The bill, presented by Deputy Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir, was approved with a majority voice vote after being debated by two Members of Parliament.

When tabling the amendment, Akmal Nasrullah said the amendment to Clause 1 (3) aims to align the bill with clauses in the Energy Commission Act 2001 and the Electricity Supply Act 1990, where its application is deferred to Sarawak. 

“In upholding the principles of the Federal Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Sarawak, Sarawak's autonomous power in the field of electricity and its diverse energy sources must be maintained to ensure the rights of Sarawak are protected.

“Meanwhile, Sabah is exempted from the application and enforcement of this bill as the regulatory power over electricity supply falls under the jurisdiction of the state of Sabah starting Jan 3, 2024,” he said when proposing the amendment in the Dewan Rakyat today. 

Additionally, Akmal Nasrullah said the management of electric energy efficiency has been provided for in the Electricity Supply Enactment 2024 and will be enforced through the Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2024.

Moreover, he said the Energy Commission of Sabah (ECOS) is drafting the Sabah energy efficiency action plan, which is a strategic initiative identified in the Sabah Energy Roadmap and Master Plan 2040.

“Therefore, the proposed amendment to Clause 1 (3) of this bill will clarify and respect the rights of the states of Sabah and Sarawak and will only apply to Peninsular Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Labuan,” he said.

Previously, the Dewan Rakyat passed the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill 2023 in October 2023 before the Dewan Negara passed the bill with an amendment in April this year.

The House will sit again tomorrow.




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