
Nurturing An Energy-wise Generation With Interactive Exhibition At Science Centre

KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 (Bernama) -- The Green Guardian Centre interactive exhibition at the National Science Centre was launched with the aim of nurturing the young generation to understand and use energy wisely, thereby supporting the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) for a more prosperous lifestyle.

Deputy Minister of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA) Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir said through the interactive exhibition that started at the end of last year, various audiovisual products such as educational materials, are presented in an easy-to-understand format, suitable for the younger generation, especially students in elementary and junior high school.

“This Green Guardian Centre is (an effort) under the Malaysia Energy Literacy Programme (MELP) and through MELP, our target is to provide access and information to the public about understanding energy. This is also part of efforts to help young people better understand the concept of energy that exists today,” he said after the launch of the Energy Awareness and Consciousness Programme here today.

He said the interactive exhibition was expected to run until the end of next year at the National Science Centre, while also informing that about 63,000 people had visited the centre during the week-long school holidays which started on May 24.

Green Guardian Centre is an initiative of Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) in collaboration with Yayasan Hijau Malaysia, through the MELP programme to give the public access to the knowledge of energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy generation.

The Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA) has made MELP, founded by TNB at the end of 2020, as a national agenda by expanding the cooperation of ministries and related agencies to develop an energy-sensitive society.

Akmal Nasrullah said the MELP Steering Committee with the participation of the Energy Commission (ST), Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA), TNB, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (MGTC), Yayasan Hijau Malaysia, MyPower and related agencies was established to implement programmes in a more integrated and comprehensive manner.

He said the committee also plans to hold further discussions with the Ministry of Education (KPM) to examine measures to help understand the terms of energy use among students.

Meanwhile, TNB Global Business Solutions (TGBS) chief executive Datuk Ahmad Hushairi Ibrahim said this energy-sensitive initiative in collaboration with Yayasan Hijau at Green Guardian forms yet another platform to highlight MELP to the community, especially to the children who will inherit the future.

“(This exhibition) covers knowledge about energy efficiency, Renewable Energy and energy generation. Hopefully, this method can help change their thinking and form the energy-wise attitude of the future generation ... people who are sensitive and energy-wise can contribute to the success of the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), in line with the goal of a carbon neutral country by 2050,” he said.

He said the utility company would strive to accelerate the Energy Transition in a responsible manner towards net zero, by setting a 35 per cent reduction in carbon emission intensity and 50 per cent coal generation capacity by 2035.




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