
Schneider Electric Urges Businesses To Turn Sustainability Goals Into Reality Via Digitalisation

Country President for Malaysia Schneider Electric Eugene Quah in a Panel Discussion about Schneider Electric Sustainability Survey Report 2023 Media Event, here, today.

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 28 (Bernama) -- Companies in Malaysia are encouraged to turn their sustainability goals into reality by adopting digitalisation and resolving long-term implementation issues.

Schneider Electric country president of Malaysia, Eugene Quah said as the country navigates the urgent need for sustainability, businesses must take a leadership role in driving change, collaborating with governments and leveraging innovative solutions to create a more sustainable future.

“Businesses will achieve their sustainability target with proper and comprehensive strategies. Also, if they want to achieve energy efficiency, this is where digitalisation and sustainability come in,” he told reporters after the Green Action Gap Schneider Electric Sustainability 2023 media briefing here today.

 Schneider Electric’s sustainability 2023 survey, in partnership with market research platform Milieu Insight, revealed that 93 per cent of the respondents consider sustainability a high priority.

About 57  per cent of respondents also said their companies have dedicated departments or teams responsible for driving sustainability goals and strategies.

The survey also found that 95 per cent of business leaders acknowledged the pivotal role of digitalisation in their corporate sustainability strategy.

“This underscores a need to bridge the gap between intention and action, emphasising the important role of technology and energy efficiency in shaping the corporate sustainability landscape,” Schneider Electric said. 

About 4,500 business leaders from nine East Asia countries, including 500 respondents from Malaysia, were surveyed on their perspectives on sustainability and the environment.

Meanwhile, Quah said Schneider Electric provides solutions that leverage digitisation to optimise energy and resource use to accelerate sustainability agenda.

“Our primary focus is energy management solutions, enabling organisations to streamline operations, optimise processes, and enhance overall efficiency.

“We are also committed to driving digital transformation across businesses. Our digital transformation solutions encompass a holistic approach, incorporating technology, strategy, and change management,” he said.


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