
SEDC works with AVL on hydrogen fuel cell development feasibility study

KUCHING, May 27 (Bernama) -- Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) is collaborating with AVL, an Austrian based research and development (R&D) organisation, to conduct a feasibility study on hydrogen fuel cell development in Sarawak.

Its chairman Datuk Amar Abdul Aziz Husain said the study would cover the overall framework on the hydrogen economy and hydrogen fuel cell technology for mobility and stationary use, especially in the rural areas

“In the long term, this will support the strategic decision by the Sarawak government for sustainable and affordable energy distribution.

“A bright, clean and green future for all Sarawakians and SEDC will provide the necessary support to ensure its success,” he said at the launch of the country’s first integrated hydrogen production plant and refuelling station by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, here today.

On SEDC’s role, he said it had secured three units of the hydrogen fuel cell buses through Foshan Feichi Automobile Manufacture Co. Ltd., of China.

He said these buses were to be used as a pilot project to demonstrate the capabilities of hydrogen fuel cell technology as a viable form of public transportation in Sarawak and would commence operation as soon as the necessary permits from relevant authorities were received.

For the record, he said the final report published on May 2012 on the “Study on Urban Traffic in Kuching, Sarawak (2010 – 2030)” revealed that the motor vehicle registration in the state was growing at a rate of six per cent per annum, which is three times more than the population growth of the city.

The study was conducted by AECOM with the assistance of Swinburne University of Technology and Perunding SL.

“This is a concern for all of us because on average in 2012, there were 2.24 vehicles per household and by 2030, the number of vehicles (motor vehicles and motorcycles) on the road is expected to increase to 830,000 units or 68 per cent more than the listed figure of 503,000 units owned in 2012,” he said.



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