
Petronas floating LNG Satu achieves its first LNG drop post relocation

KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 (Bernama) -- PETRONAS has achieved its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) drop by its floating LNG facility, PETRONAS Floating LNG Satu (PFLNG Satu) at the Kebabangan cluster field, 90 kilometres offshore Sabah.

Kebabangan is the second location for PFLNG Satu, after its successful operation in Kanowit field, Sarawak.

PETRONAS’ vice president of LNG Asset Zakaria Kasah said the introduction of first gas into the PFLNG Satu, achieved on May 4, was from Kebabangan field to the PFLNG Satu’s turret system via a 5-km flexible pipeline.

“The commencement of a series of start-up activities included the cooling down of natural gas until the production of the first LNG drop on 7th May 2019, just three days after,” he said in a statement today.

He added that the achievement showcased a focused execution and close collaboration efforts, within PETRONAS as well as externally with the state government and regulatory bodies.

“We have not only proved our concept of relocatable floating LNG facility, but we have also seamlessly achieved the first LNG drop in just three days after first gas in. This is indeed another proud moment and a great milestone for PETRONAS and the floating LNG industry,” he said.

Designed for water-depth of between 70 metres and 200 metres and a processing capacity of 1.2 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) with 155 crew onboard, PFLNG Satu will support PETRONAS’ global LNG portfolio and enhance its reputation as a preferred and reliable LNG supplier.

The first LNG cargo delivery at the new field is expected in June 2019.



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