
Seacera aims to set up LED production plant

By Nurunnasihah Ahmad Rashid

KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 (Bernama) – Seacera Group Bhd (Seacera), is eyeing to set up a light emitting diode (LED) production plant in Tangga Batu, Melaka.

Group managing director Zulkarnin Ariffin said the LED production plant will begin operating within three years from now.

"The trend in LED products is inevitable as more people are switching to LEDs to open up creative possibilities and save energy," he told Bernama after the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with South Korea's electronic manufacturing system (EMS) specialist company, KR EMS Co Ltd (KR Global) here, today.

Under the MoU, Seacera would be responsible for the manufacturing, production and sale of LED products in Malaysia, while KR Global would provide the technology and supervision.

Zulkarnin said the government, enterprises and consumers would have a choice of technologies in transitioning to more energy efficient lighting solutions.

"The partnership with KR Global, an established global brand in the supply of highly efficient products, will create the base for Seacera to move on to the next level.

"I believe with this collaboration, Seacera will play an important role in Malaysia’s LED component market," he added.

The LED production plant will be in addition to the group’s existing business segments -- tile manufacturing, construction and property.

Earlier in a speech, Seacera chairman Datuk Seri Mansor Masikon said the promotion of LED products was also in line with the government’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions by about 40 per cent by 2020.

"KR Global has been established for 12 years, with three factories in Korea and one each in China and Vietnam.

"With this collaboration, Seacera and KR Global will jointly achieve further business development in an industry that has a dynamic future," he said.

According to the McKinsey’s 2011 lighting market report, global revenue from the LED lighting market is expected to grow at 30 per cent per annum to almost RM227 billion by 2020.



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