
Sarawak's first Hydrogen Production Plant to be commissioned May 27

KUCHING, May 9 (Bernama) -- The testing and commissioning of Sarawak’s first Hydrogen Production Plant and Refuelling Station is expected to be completed by May 27, said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

He said the state had also acquired three hydrogen-powered buses as part of its pilot project and research into setting up a green public transportation system.

”I have been talking about Sarawak producing hydrogen as an alternative green energy (source) because we have abundant water sources that can be converted to hydrogen for public transport or even for export.

“We are collaborating with Linde Group, the world’s leading industrial gases company, and Hydrogenics, the world’s leading company in water electrolysis-based hydrogen generation, on this project,” he said in his winding-up speech for his ministry at the Sarawak Legislative Assembly here today.

Abang Johari said Sarawak has all the advantages in producing hydrogen fuel from water at a lower cost using green energy such as hydropower.

With the advancement of technology, he said the state should soon be able to export hydrogen to countries such as the United States, Europe, South Korea and Japan which are now producing hydrogen-powered vehicles.

He was confident it would become the next source of revenue for the state, just like the export of liquefied natural gas.

From 2013 to 2017, 6,500 hydrogen-powered cars have been sold globally, Abang Johari said.

On the proposed Light Rapid Transit (LRT) project, he said the state government would proceed with a detailed technical study on the implementation of Phase One, covering the most congested areas in Kuching and Samarahan, using the most feasible technological option.





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CHUKAI, 22 Julai (Bernama) -- Anak syarikat Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu, Eastern Pacific Industrial Corporation Bhd (EPIC) menerusi subsidiari, EPIC Solar Sdn Bhd (ESSB) merancang untuk memperluas rangkaian perkhidmatan dalam bidang tenaga solar dan teknologi hijau di Malaysia.

Sarawak Komiited Utamakan Tenaga Bersih Bagi Tangani Ketidakkonsistenan Tenaga Boleh Baharu

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Julai (Bernama) -- Kerajaan Sarawak komited untuk mengutamakan tenaga solar berskala besar, biotenaga termasuk biogas dan biojisim, pemprosesan sisa kepada tenaga serta kawasan storan hidro pam untuk menangani ‘intermittency’ (ketidakkonsistenan) tenaga boleh baharu (TBB) dan teknologi penjanaan tenaga bersih, kata Premier Sarawak Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Sarawak Komiited Utamakan Tenaga Bersih Bagi Tangani Ketidakkonsistenan Tenaga Boleh Baharu

KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Julai (Bernama) -- Kerajaan Sarawak komited untuk mengutamakan tenaga solar berskala besar, biotenaga termasuk biogas dan biojisim, pemprosesan sisa kepada tenaga serta kawasan storan hidro pam untuk menangani ‘intermittency’ (ketidakkonsistenan) tenaga boleh baharu (TBB) dan teknologi penjanaan tenaga bersih, kata Premier Sarawak Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

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