
Melaka urges TNB to ensure smart meter system functions well

MELAKA, May 9 (Bernama) -- The Melaka state government has urged Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to ensure the smart meter system is implemented properly, including its 'myTNB' application, said Melaka Chief Minister Adly Zahari.

He said this would allow consumers, especially people in the state, to monitor their electricity consumption through their smartphones and help them reduce usage.

“There are several problems which TNB must look at, for instance what is shown on the ‘myTNB’ is not the same as on the meter and the application is said to be often disrupted and difficult to access,” he said in a press conference held after the Melaka State Executive Council Meeting here today.

Yesterday, Melaka TNB  (customer services) head Ahmad Rezahan Mohammad said TNB acknowledged the issue of high energy bills faced by a handful of consumers using TNB smart meters and will  be recrediting customers with excessively high electricity bills in the state if verification found overcharging have occurred.

Adly said the state government did not intend to stop the use of smart meters and go back to the old meters, and he believed TNB would resolve the issue.

He said among the initiatives which TNB could take was setting up a special team to resolve issues relating to the use of smart meters and organising meet-the-consumer programmes to provide information directly to the public.

As of today, he said  250,000 smart metres had been installed in stages, and TNB had received 2,500 reports relating to these meters.

“TNB has taken action on 1,600 reports including sending its staff to the locations to check on the metres and providing information on correct electricity usage to avoid wastage which would cause electricity bills to rise,” he said.



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