
State govt expresses concern on complaints of soaring energy bill

MELAKA, May 6 (Bernama) -- The Melaka state government takes a serious view of the people’s complaints over the alleged soaring electricity bill after installing Smart Meter introduced by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) in the state.

Chief Minister Adly Zahari said the state government is requesting TNB to view each complaint lodged seriously and not to look at the general situation.

“Each complaint made would have its specific data as almost all households in the state are using Smart Meter,” he said told reporters after attending an Aidilfitri contribution ceremony to 54 recipients from Rumah Anak Yatim Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (RAYSS) in Tanjung Kling, here today.

The contribution was presented by the Raja Muda of Selangor, Tengku Amir Shah Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.      

Adly said he hoped TNB would activate its hotline to facilitate members of the public to make their complaints.

Meanwhile, Melaka Public Works, Transportation and Public Facilities Committee chairman, Datuk Mohd Sofi Abdul Wahab said he would be holding a discussion with TNB soon as it involved the cost of living of the people.

“We understand the people are affected with the high cost of living following the rising prices of goods and services and the soaring energy bill is not helping,” he said.

He called on the people who have problems with Smart Meter to contact TNB Careline at 1300885454 or visit the nearest TNB office to complain.  


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