
Be aware of the environment in everyday life - philanthropist

KUALA LUMPUR, April 23 (Bernama) -- Malaysians need to ensure that their daily activities and lifestyles do not add to the reduction of plant and wildlife populations, said Sarawak-based philanthropist Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon.

He said there were simple ways to support the cause, such as by disposing wastes responsibly instead of just dumping them in the open.

“As individuals, most of us do not have an influential voice in our country or at the world’s stage, but we can ensure our lifestyles do not affect the environment. People must be educated to care for the environment. 

“It is our hope that our lawmakers recognise and are able to act on what could well be the life saver as we know on this earth we need to have control over and eliminate where necessary, human activities which could be detrimental to flora and fauna and are affecting the atmosphere, land and oceans,” Ang said in his message for Earth Day, a global annual event to support environmental protection.

However, he said, the ravages of climate change due to human activities were becoming more apparent day by day.

“A sperm whale was found dead off the Italian island of Sardinia with 22 kg of plastic in its stomach, the chemical dumping incident in Sungai Kim Kim in Pasir Gudang and the recent oil spill in the waters of Tanjung Balau, Kota Tinggi are among cases that pose a threat to marine ecosystems, health and tourism.

“Laws must be amended or enacted and protecting the environment requires strict enforcement,” he said adding that these measures were necessary for Malaysia to become a developed nation.


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