
Implementation of targeted petrol subsidy depends on latest BSH data

PUTRAJAYA, April 22 (Bernama) -- The implementation of the targeted petrol subsidy will depend on how quickly the Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) Secretariat can submit the latest updated list of those eligible Bottom40 (B40) recipients.

“They (BSH Secretariat) are now in the process of updating the list. It is understood that they are in the final phase”, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said at a dialogue programme with the media here today.

He said the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) wanted a credible data to ensure that eligible recipients were included in the list, while those who do not qualify were removed.

If the implementation of the targeted petrol subsidy is successful, the ministry intends to extend the method to other consumer goods such as cooking oil, flour and liquid petroleum gas. 

“By doing this, the government can achieve big savings and with the savings, we would hopefully be able to extend the subsidy to the Middle40 (M40) group,” he said.

According to Saifuddin, the BSH database identifying the B40 group eligible to receive the subsidy found that only 90 per cent among them had bank accounts while another 10 per cent had no accounts, especially in rural areas.

He said they were in talks with several banks with branches spread across the country to help them open accounts.

Currently there are 4.1 million BSH recipients.


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