
TM's innovative Smart Safety Helmet provides real-time monitoring

By Chandravathani Sathasivam

PUTRAJAYA, April 20 (Bernama) -- The innovative Smart Safety Helmet introduced by TM Research Development (TM R&D) provides real-time monitoring and faster response that can potentially save lives, as well as improve workers' safety.

TM One vice-president Mahmoud Dasser said the industrial safety helmet with 5G connectivity, which is the first of its kind in Malaysia and globally, is now ready to benefit the workers in the oil and gas, manufacturing, transportation and construction industries.

He said the Smart Safety Helmet is a data-driven helmet, an Internet of Things (IoT) solution that provides live, wireless monitoring and an array of sensors, including accident impact and geo-location that can be used to perform various analysis for a safer work site.

"This creates a connected workforce whenever workers are needed to go to dangerous sites to carry out field work. If something happens to them, the command centre of the respective companies gets an alert to check the safety and security of these workers.

"It sends telemetry to the cloud and processes the data for the benefit of the employers, as well as the staff. It has all the safety helmet features, location tracking services, attendance, violation detection, and a video camera for remote coaching and emergency observation of the workers at the workplace," he told Bernama.

TM R&D is the research arm and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM), while TM ONE is TM’s enterprise and public sector business solutions arm.

Mahmoud, who is also chief marketing officer of TM One, said the cost-effective and light-weight helmet consists of sensors, radio and video communication solutions integrated in the helmet, which can be communicated to the command centre via WiFi, 4G technology, bluetooth and soon 5G.

The helmet, which took almost a year to be developed, resulted from a research collaboration between Multimedia University and University Teknologi Petronas involving the oil and gas, and telecommunication industries to build local competencies knowledge exchange and connected workforce to encourage safety at the workplace.

"Our research methodology was done by working closely with our customers and workers. Our first prototype helmet faced several weaknesses and was not suitable for the workers at the sites. So, we did some alternations and gave the pilot prototype helmet to TM workers.

"We want to find out the workers’ point of view, namely the challenges faced and whether they are comfortable wearing it. We conducted tests for three to four months before the new innovation was ready for industry players," he added.

Mahmoud said the researchers also used a real-time case to locate one of TM's customers who lost contact with his colleagues.


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